Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sweet Paul Kids Issue

Have you seen the spring issue of Sweet Paul that came out this week?  You should.  Wow.  Again, wow.  I love this issue and am even tempted to purchase a printed copy because it is just so dang good.   Ever so happily, it is available as a FREE (yes, I said FREE) download too so you can go grab a copy right now and call it a gift to you from Sweet Paul--get your own copy right here, in the right-hand sidebar, right there near the top of the page.   It is over a 100 pages of cooking and crafting and design goodness all for kids.  I could eat the styling and photography alone they are such a feast for the eyes.
For me, this issue was like every good thing for kids rolled up into one sweet downloadable PDF--everything from applesauce cake to playing with your food to blanket forts to box crafts to fish sticks, frozen treats, cowboys and indians...need I continue?  How much more convincing do you require, people?  You might think I am being a bit superlative here, but go see for yourself and come back and tell me I am exaggerating.  Geez.
All photography and images in this post are copyright Sweet Paul.


  1. You were not exaggerating. Fantastic issue (and I'm not even done yet).

  2. That is a fabulous magazine! Thank you for turning us on to it.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. ohmygoodness!
    I'd never even heard of this magazine before you posted on it. I'm in love. Thank you for helping me idle away an entire hour of my afternoon yesterday!
