Friday, April 22, 2011

Spring Variations Give-Away at Sparkle Power

Are you familiar with Candace over at Sparkle Power already?  If not, please stop by for a visit--not only because she has a a very real and lovely blog, but she also has a super Etsy shop with some great prints (dear Mr Beeper gave me the You Are My Sunshine print this year as a gift) and on occasion super lovely fabric flag garlands made from vintage fabrics (bought one of those for myself as gift too).

Oh, and you should also hop on over there because she is hosting a giveaway for 5 copies of my Spring Variations pattern.  Yeah, 5 of her readers will win a copy of Spring Variations and all you have to do to be in the running is leave a comment indicating which project of the set you like best.   You have until Tuesday, April 26th to pay Candace a visit and leave a comment. Easy, right?
Find the give-away right here.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is alot of projects there. Great deal, I think.
    What caught my eye is the pinwheel embroidery. I would make those pouches for my fellow guild members.
