Friday, May 6, 2011

Eat This: Mama's Best French Toast

Okay, yeah.  This is french toast we are talking about here--not exactly requiring high levels of culinary skill to make, certainly nothing that everyone does not already know something about how to make.  But I really, really, really love this particular french toast--like, I eat it for breakfast every freakin weekend because it just so tasty, and I sort of like to think that when made with whole grain bread it is even maybe somehow good for me (nevermind the bacon that usually comes on the side negates all those notions of nutritional grandeur...).
It is all about the toppings really--that combo of pecans, fresh blueberries and sliced bananas.  You put that on some milk and egg soaked bread that has had the flavor turned up with some vanilla and cinnamon and to me it is fit for HRH Princess Kate, Duchess of Cambridge.  I am sure she would like and eat this if only I could get it introduced to the royal kitchen in some way.
I do add a little flour to my batter just to give the french toast a nice brown crust that holds in all sweet and lovely cinnamon for you.  And, yes, I just make mine with regular old whole wheat sandwich bread--but you could get a little swankier and make it with challah or some cinnamon swirl bread. 
 So you should try it.  I've got the recipe right here for you:
It would make a lovely mama's day breakfast if, like me,  you really like french toast--plus it is a manageable recipe for the kiddies if they want to get in on it.
Happy weekend breakfasting.


  1. your recipes are always so attractive ! and full of humour, I love it !

    but here in France, we don't have that yummy pecans nor fresh blueberries ... so sad !

  2. no fresh blueberries? no pecans? I feel like I need to send you a care package of french toast ingredients...and here I had been dreaming of moving my family to France someday...

  3. Oh, this looks delicious and just came from looking at Pioneer Woman's blueberry and lemon pancakes. Now I really want breakfast!!! I like your tip of adding a bit of flour to the batter, I'll try that next time.

    Please Check out my FIRST GIVEAWAY:

  4. Maybe Catherine Windsor already has these for breakfast - she'd be a fool not to! I saw french toast ingredients snuck into the house today, so I suspect thats what I'm having for breakfast in the morning :)

  5. hi!I mentioned you in my this week favourites blog post
    I love your blog!

  6. Mmmmmm. A delicious looking Mother's Day Breakfast!!
