Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tettegouche Camp with Friends

{View of Lake MicMac from Camp}
{Cabin A and the Water Pump}
{Wild Columbine}
{Tandem Jump into the Lake}
{Dininghall Porch}
{Lady Slipper Orchid in Bloom}
{Reading in the Grass}
{Old Boathouse on Lake MicMac}
{Uncle A-Bomb on the Dock}
{Miss Bean's Fancy Toes}
(Patch of Hawkweed}
{Beeper peering into the creek on a hike}
{Woodland Flowers}
{Ruins of a Root Cellar in Camp}
{Tettegouche Camp with Friends}
We have been away at Tettegouche Camp again for a few days.  Still one of the loveliest places I have ever been, and even more lovely when your closest friends rent the other three cabins in camp. You can see more photos here or, read about trip last year here.    
And for those of you who could give a rip about my vacation photos, I will be back later this week with a little tutorial on how to make a nature explorer bag for the kiddies--or with a few modifications, a summer bag for you, so stay cool.


  1. Wow this is an extraordinary beautiful place. thanks for sharing the pics with us.

  2. Thanks for the peek into what looks like a fun Minnesotan (?) vacation! I was privileged to go to Boundary Waters once and have been in love with your state ever since! (I am in Ohio)

  3. The Boundary Water are beautiful--actually, the area we were at is very BWCA-like--with the exception that it is accessible by foot and we had snug cabins to stay in.

    We are fortunate here though to have so much natural beauty within a few hours of our metro area. Although I think many people do not realize how lovely Minnesota is--we are sort of like Canada in that regard.

  4. As this was our first visit to Tettegouche (pronounced Titty Gooch by Matilda), I have to second that it is a beautiful place. We'll be back next year (with less gear to haul up, of course...)

  5. Looks perfect. Like you're in your own personal version of Parent Trap. FYI, those woodland flowers are actually a Dogwood flower, or bunch berries. In the fall, the flower becomes a beautiful bright red berry that you can eat! We have those everywhere in Alaska and I love them. Looking forward to seeing your adventure bag!
