Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sharing: A Handful of Projects for September

More stuff you can make, if you have the inclination, the time, the wherewithal, and god knows, the supplies.  My wherewithal has not been so abundant lately--remember all those mid-summer projects I posted weeks ago and how I said I wanted to make several?  Well, I have managed to make nary a friendship bracelet, not even a frickin sponge bomb, which is so simple to make I could have given all the supplies to Beeper and he would have turned out a bucketful in between episodes of Wild Crats on PBS .  This blog is teetering precariously on the edge of becoming a blog about what all the other people make, I tell you.  It is a sad state of affairs over here.

But let me just say that I still have crafting dreams--some of which involve some of these very projects you see above.  Like those chemistry crayon labels, which I should be able to manage since they consist of a set of stickers you can order from Que Intersante's Etsy shop and need only slap them on a set of crayons.  But really, my heart aches to make one of the Lowly Worms like those made by Stitch/Craft for her son's Busy Town birthday party, and that sweatshirt refashioned into a little jacket is so like something I would wear that I cannot believe it is not already in my wardrobe--but apparently, I need to knuckle down and actually sew it together.  And those linen stacking pillows from Purl Bee?--I already have a spot next to the fireplace staked to place them once finished--that is, if I actually, well you know where this is going...

Lovely.  Someday, maybe inspiration will find me again but I until then I have everything everyone else is making to at least give me a little pleasure.  Right?


  1. I know that feeling - the desire to blog never really leaves's just sometimes I haven't actually anything of my own to blog about in fallow sewing periods.

    Thank you so much for the sleeping bag mention.

    I hope your making groove soon returns. x

  2. sweatshirt re-vamp
    teddy sleeping bags
    lowly worms
    yes, yes, and yes.
    (added to my to-do list!)

  3. FLorence--I like the way you describe it as a "fallow" period. Which, really, I believe, is necessary in order to regenerate your creativity, your enthusiasm for what you love to do. Even in the best marriages, partners do not want to be together all the time...also, I am happy to have discovered your little sleeping bag pattern and your blog! I will be back to visit.

  4. i always find that autumn is the best time to draw in, craft, drink a hot beverage. summer is so outwardly driven and busy that it's perhaps not the best time to get all the crafting done. good luck finding your groove--i love your blog, in whatever shape or form!

  5. that sweatshirt to jacket is pretty darn awesome. thanks for sharing!
