Friday, November 18, 2011

Kids Crafternoon Blog Party and a Lucky Day Give-Away

Here I am, stop number 6 on the Kids' Crafternoon Blog Party--think of it as being a bit like a pub crawl, only with blogs instead of pubs, and kids crafts instead of shots of whiskey.  Yes, Kathreen is at it again--putting together more fantastic books of kiddo-friendly crafts--this time centered on beads and felt.
For this portion of the party, I decided to let Beeper and his friend, Ivan, take over--meaning I had them take a look at the books and pick a project to make for their own personal crafternoon.  They quickly decided upon the Robot Softie by Bianca Brownlow--which was a relief to me since they are 7 & 8-years-old respectively and it appeared to be a simple first sewing project.
Like any good little robot designer, I had them each start off by making a sketch of their robot and any special features they may have--like a yoyo that doubles as a weapon (always handy when bored and faced with a spot of trouble) that Ivan's robot sports , or the cell phone that Beeper's robot keeps handy in his chest cavity (I would assume for quick calls to his mom as needed).
Next, we cut out the felt pieces then I put them to work on the sewing machine--this was their very first time driving the sewing machine and they were naturals.  That is Ivan's mom (Hi Chellie!) there overseeing Beeper's work like a good sweat shop supervisor.
Next, I gave them a chop stick and had them stuff all those narrow little robot limbs--and again, they were pros.  Okay, maybe they got a little impatient with it after the second leg, and I jumped in to make quicker work of it--but still, for having the attention-spans of a tse fly, they were softie-making rock stars.
Et voila!  Their finished robot creations.  The best part was how very proud they each were of their work--Ivan declared he would be sleeping with his tonight.  And then they each took their robots along with them as dates to the Children's Opera performance we went to later.  
But, I suppose you might like to know more the types of projects you might find in these books--so, let me share a few of my own favorites...
From the Beading book: Woodland Beaded Cards by Sharon Baldwin; Lego Jewels by Nicole Vaughan; Push Button Canvas also by Nicole Vaughan; and Freckles Photo Frame by Lisa Tilse.
Oh, and look, its one of my projects from the book--a little bejeweled skull and crossbones tote.  Swanky, eh?
And from the felting book: Stitched Jewels by Cassi Griffin; Zombie Critter Charms by Lisa Tilse; Upcycled Sherpa Hay by Lisa Siebert; and Designer Wallet by Claire Dollan.
Oh, here's my project in the felting book--some simple felt cards.

You can read about the first round of Kids Crafternoon books here, and if you want to continue on with the pub crawl--I mean, blog party--you can party on at any of these swell blogs:
Lisa Siebert guest posting at Poppytalk 1-Dec
And, if you would like to get your hands on a copy of either of these books--well, I just so happen to have a copy of each to give-away to two of you.  So please go ahead and leave a comment here telling me which book appeals to you most and whatever else you might want to share.  But you should do that by the end of the day on November 20th and I will try to come back promptly on Monday. to announce the winners (but please keep in mind my track record here--so, no promises)
And just in case you were wondering, the Robot Stuffies spin exceedingly well on the floor--clearly they are gifted break dancers.

You can read more about the Kids' Crafternoon Felting and Beading books over at Whip Up, and buy your own copies of the books here.   And don't forget to leave a comment if you want to be in the running for the book give-away.


  1. These look such great books! I would love to win either!

  2. We already have paper craft and I know me girl I this house who will be over the moon if she gets the beading book for Christmas, we already have all types of beading projects around the house os what's a few more!

  3. I think I am being drawn more to the Felt book as I follow along on the tour especially now I have seen the felt cards. What a fantastic idea - I love making cards for friends.
    Thanks for sharing you projects and your review.

  4. The felt one appeals to me because my four year old just started sewing on my machine and loves it.

  5. Love the robots...can't wait to see the books and the other ideas in them!

  6. Both books are on my must get a hold of list :) ( not that you asked, but it's so nice to see projects that boys would like i.e. robots and zombies). Anyway, please put my name in the basket for the felt book.

  7. Wow! Those are great! I think my daughter would love the felt book. She's really into sewing right now.
    Thanks so much.

  8. Wold love to win the book 'beading'.

  9. We have the paper craft and sewing Crafternoon books and LOVE them. My two little girls are great crafters and with holiday breaks and wintery weather coming up we are looking for more fun projects to keep us busy. I am really interested in getting my girls into working with beads, so it would be so much fun to win the Beading book. Thank you for the chance!

  10. The felting book looks awesome! Felt is something that I've wanted to play around with more. Thanks for the opportunity!

  11. these books look so fun! I love having fun with my kids in creative ways!

  12. my son LOVES felt. i just give him my big ol' scrap jar of felt and he goes to town creating "projects," so the felt book would be great for our family! thanks!

  13. What cute books! (I call my Sunday sews with my friends Crafternoon!) My kids would love the felt book. I think I would too,

  14. I have got to get my hands on a couple of these books! The sewing one looks especially fun, but it doesn't look like you are giving that one away. LOVE those robots! Would love to win either of these! Thanks for the giveaway!

  15. These look great and the felting kit would go prefectly with the sewing kits (from your tutorial!) that I am making my kids for Christmas! Thanks for the chance to win!

  16. My 5 yr old boy and 4 yr old girl having been pestering me, er... showing interest in sewing every time I attempt a project. It's great to see ideas on how to create successfully! Thank you for spotlighting these books! I hope to win the one about felt projects. I think my little ones would be very busy with it!!

  17. The felting book looks so fun! Amy @ gasudimack(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

  18. I would love to have a copy of the felt themed book. I have recently introduced my small person to felt & she is enamoured with it's endless possibilities!

  19. It gives me goose bumps watching boys get creative. My boy is a fire cracker and loves to move but it's soothing to watch him sewing and complete a project together. Plus kids seem to appriciate the toys they make more than the store one!! This book is brilliants and of course we would love to win a copy.

    Xo Steph

  20. Holly, I am THRILLED that the boys made my robot, they did a brilliant job!

  21. The projects in the felt book look wonderful. Thanks for the giveaway.

  22. The felt book looks like tons of fun! Thanks for this awesome giveaway!

  23. their robots are fab! the felt book looks great for my 6 yr old :-)

  24. These both look great! I think the felting book might be the favourite in our house, but either would be amazing!

  25. They look so fun, I would love to win the felt book. I have two little ones and they love to 'help' me with projects. I bet there are lots of fun ones in there.

  26. The felt book looks like so much crafting fun!

  27. Both books look awesome, and I would love the one with felted crafts if I had a choice. Thanks!

  28. Fabulous softie robots! It's awesome the kiddos learned a new skill and had fun doing it.

  29. Looks so good, I love seeing kids doing craft and being prodoctive.

  30. I love, love, love working with felt so that would be my book of choice. Not that I'd complain about the beading book though, mind you. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

  31. Those robots look great! Would love to try the project with my guy. Please count me in for the felt book.

  32. Ooooohhhh - My son would drool over those robots! I like both books, but just got a plethora of felt and am itching to use it! :)

  33. I don't know how to choose -- they are all on my wish list. My kids have taken over our formal dining room for their crafting and I'm fine with that -- especially now that they can do a lot of things on their own. thanks for the chance!

  34. Either book would be brilliant thank you.

    The robots are so very cool. I love books that encourage boys to be creative too.



  35. I would love the Felt book. My son has just started learning to hand sew and felt is perfect for that

  36. Ooo, felting or beading - both sound like fun!

  37. Many thanks for sharing these art crafts. Birthdays will surely be memorable with these cute items to be given away.
