Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Pair of [wrinkled] Doll Dresses

I made these two little dresses as Christmas gifts for my nieces--that is, for my nieces' dolls.   A dress and a set of button barrettes for each (1 barrette for them, 2 smaller ones for their dolls).   The doll's dress pattern is from Oliver + S Little Things to Sew by Liesel Gibson (love this book--but more about that later).  Liesel designed this little doll dress after one of her other dress patterns for a child--and sewing it made me realize I really could set about making some actual clothes for real life people.  Except for all that ironing involved with making clothing.  There is way more ironing, even when making a simplified doll's dress, than when you make a plushie.  And I hate ironing.  Mostly because I do not do it well--I always inadvertently iron in creases (see above photo for further evidence), or never seem to really get out all the other wrinkles I am there to get out in the first place.  Maybe I just need a better iron or to learn how to iron better or somewhere other than the basement in which to do my ironing--or maybe I just need to keep focusing my efforts on making toys?  


  1. I love the doll dresses, they are so cute!

  2. I LOVE IRONING. If you will make the clothes, I'll do the ironing!

  3. The dresses and barrettes are adorable! And, don't let ironing scare you off of sewing clothes. I bet you need a better iron - it makes all the difference.

  4. Is it just me, or are creases caused by poor ironing WAY harder to get out than regular wrinkles. I am forever accidentally ironing over a fold or something and making impossible to get out creases! So I understand :) Clothes are fun to sew though, for little people at least. I'm scared to try and make something for myself.

  5. Crystalyn--YES, wrinkles you accidently iron in yourself are WAY harder, if not impossible, to get out it seems. Yet another reason I loathe ironing. Someone please tell me what there is to like about ironing? And any handy ironing tricks or tips are welcome.

  6. I just got this book! I love it. You did an amazing job. I agree with the ironing. I hate it too and always end up ironing in creases, too, haha.

  7. I am terrible at ironing. I have heard that steaming is easier and faster and really want to get my hands on a steamer!

  8. I love the fabric you've used, so sweet! I have discovered something strange since having my daughter- I love ironing! =/ I hate getting out the iron and putting all the clothes away, but ironing out creases in fabric seems to calm me!

  9. So cute! That pattern is on my sewing list. I absolutely LOVE that book ... one of my favorites.

  10. Leaving your iron and ironing board out and near your sewing machine helps a lot. Just think about ironing a seam after sewing it as part of the sewing process. Once you get in the habit it doesn't feel like a burden. And, it makes such a difference in what you sew.

  11. SON PRECIOSOS!!!!así como se ven...no me gusta planchar, ja!
    Un beso
