Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sharing: A Handful of Projects with Some Color

This winter is so gray around here--dreary skies, damp chill air, yellowed grass peeking through the meager patches of dirty snow.  Blah.  All I want is some brightness, something to bring a little zing of happy color.  This is where I am at this winter.  So, these are the projects I have to offer up and share--every single one with pops of color or just outright color.  A little something I could make that would give me a little smile when I reach for it--like those stripey-handled thrifted wooden spoons, or those thumbtacks spray-painted to look like Italian tacks, or the bright patch of color on those otherwise gray tights.  Nice.  Happy.  Enjoy.


  1. Very nice! I get the same feelings this time of year, just waiting for the color spring brings with it.

  2. Nice collection! Thanks for including my rainbow cookies:)
