Saturday, February 25, 2012

Animal Tees for Mr Beeper

Beeper drew some animal designs for a couple of new t-shirts for Mr Beeper's birthday this year.  The animals are two of Mr Beeper's favorites--the komodo dragon and the platypus (incidentally, also two of Beeper's faves).  The komodo dragon tee  has a little know animal fact that Beeper chose to add: baby komodo dragins roll in animil waste.   Unlike last year's tee, I left Beeper's spelling intact since it is decipherable this year and pretty damn cute in that 7-year-old-spelling sorta way.  The platypus tee is all Beeper's goofy sense of humor--no, I don't know why the platypus is saying, YA-OO!  YA-OO!  CHIP GUY!--but it cracks Beeper up so why change a thing?  Of course, Mr Beeper loved the tees and actually wore the komodo dragon t-shirt to work last week.  One of his coworkers assured him he could sell the Komodo dragon design--I guess grody little know animal facts have mass appeal.


  1. I *have* to know how you transfer the drawings to the t-shirts! Can you share how you did it? I need to make a few small-boy-art t's myself...

  2. Oh hell yes he could sell them! Where do I sign up? Those are awesome!

  3. These are pretty adorable. I love the fighting platypus!

  4. Christina, I scanned in the image, used some photo editing software to add the words, then printed them on inkjet t-shirt transfers--you can buy them at many office supply stores or ca find them in the computer supply section of places like Target. It's simple. You can also bring a t-shirt and the drawing into a place like Kinkos and they will transfer it for you.

  5. Heeheehee! Lovely! I agree with Angela. ;)
