Friday, December 5, 2008

Got My Ducks in a Row

Well, saying I have all my ducks in a row is sort of an exaggeration given the 2 unfinished robots, the unfinished snake and the other two unfinished ducks I still have on my work table. But, well, a girl has got to get at least a couple of hours of sleep.
But, what I am really here to remind you all about is that the No Coast Craft O'Rama is TODAY (and tomorrow). I will be at the Midtown Global Market at Lake and Chicago today from 3-8pm and tomorrow from 9-5pm--as will about 100 other crafty people. (and those giraffes above? Perhaps two of my all-time fave plushies I have created ever in the hisotry of the world)
Don't be a chicken.Come visit and check out the plushie line up in person.

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