Monday, December 8, 2008

A Handful of Plushies and Some Other Stuff in the Shop...

Come on over to the shop--got some new items already up for sale there and will be putting a few more up yet later this week. Some of the new items include this Tweed Suit Coat Kitty Stuffie... ...this sweet little two-faced friend girl doll, as well as a few boys (why don't people buy boy dolls? What is the fear already?)...
...a few Babies on a Stick......a handful of plushie duckies......a new Bitty Bebe......and some bibs and a couple of postcard sets.

Tomorrow I will be back with the scoop on the No Coast sale and some links to some of my favorite vendors and their fantastic wares...need I say I did my best to stimulate the economy by doing my own share of shopping at the sale? So much fabulous stuff...come back to see it.

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