- A draw-string goody bag with a reptile appliques I designed--while I have made these little draw string bags before for gift giving (see my Christmas post here)--these were really inspired by those made by Sharilyn at Lovely Design
- A reptile themed coloring and activity book (which was so ridiculously fun to make and I am already thinking of all the other coloring and activity books I can make...again, something I will provide a tutorial on at a future date because you really should try to make one for yourself--just because)--again, inspired by Sharilyn's children's notebooks--but modified by me in both technique and purpose...
- A little pillow box with a handful of toy reptiles inside (the pillow boxes were purchased at Paper Source--but you could make your own if you had the inclination and endless buckets of time at your disposal...)
- A little booklet of temporary reptile tattoos from Dover Little Activity Books ( they offer about a bazillion types of little books in every theme you can think of--stickers, tattoos, coloring, paper dolls, puzzles--most priced around $1.50 apiece)
- And some eco-friendly soy-based crayons from Stubby Pencil Studio
And I don't know if you get this when you hand-make SO MUCH--but I always start to wonder whether anyone really gives a crap that I do all this--and even worse, if they resent it (not the kids, but the parents of the kids). I mean, I really do make all this stuff because I LIKE TO--but I know it probably seems like I am some crazed Stepford Mommy or something...anyway, so as I was assembling these goody bags on Friday I was asking myself: Is it worth it? And it was a question that went unanswered for me until I handed these to the kiddies at the end of the party on Saturday and saw the surprise and delight in their faces as they pulled open their drawstrings and peered into their bags...I swear I almost caught a whiff of awe or gratitude coming from the pre-schoolers.
So, yes, I guess I have decided to it is worth it-- although one parent did comment, "There goes Holly setting the birthday party favor bar even higher for the rest of us."--I like to think she was kidding. Still--it's not always easy being the crafty one...
wow, you put to word what I often think when I prepare for the birthday parties for my girls, I really love making everything, but sometimes think that people think I'm totally crazy and over the top.
But I really enjoy working with my girls towards the party, we have lots of fun preparing and crafting party invitations and decorations.
I think you did a really great job, it looks really lovely!!
Yeah, one of the mothers in my mum's group calls me "Martha Stewart" when I make a cake or wonders if my daughter is always "so beautifully dressed" and it's both a compliment and a put-down. It makes me feel awkward at times because it clearly does make some mothers jealous and I don't want that. I don't do it to make them feel bad, I do it to make ME feel good (I'm selfish that way)! Can't help other peoples' insecurities I guess. :-/
I've bookmarked this post for birthday ideas for my daughter in a few months, it's great!
Yes....it's worth it. Your child and all the other kids will remember that party and the goody bags forever and they will appreciate them. I love handmade Birthdays and if it seems you are setting the bar too high that's their problem. You are a super mom...seriously that's what you are. Be proud Super Mom!!!!
*What's even harder about being crafty is when you can't be and people expect you to be...that's hard.
Very nice your's creas!
These are fantastic! And yes! tell me how to make little coloring books! I know what you mean about feeling guilty about making things. It's crappy how other mothers can get to you like that. But it really is just like the other commenter said, a selfish thing: making all these little bits is totally enjoyable, even if it sometimes drives us nuts.
This is why I blog--this sort of support and goodness is nowhere else to be found. Thank you to everyone who left a comment-it so so helps to know you are not alone in how you feel and experience the craziness of the world...mostly, it is just really good to find other people at least somewhat like me who just get it.
don't worry about the comments, the memories you create with your son are so much more important. my step-daughter is now 23, we have been together since she was 5...i rarely add the "step" anymore. but she remembers all the effort we made to give her a loving home and family. she still talks about the over done birthday parties we threw. she tells all her friends that her birthday is a big deal, because we made those memories with her. and she is a big deal! :o)
I am intimidated by such goodie bags. But this is because I hate hosting parties for any age or reason - all the details of party-planning make me batshit - and to see yet another piece of the event that I COULD be embellishing sort of makes me want to nap.
And Matilda LOVED her goodie bag.
Wow! You are setting the bar pretty high, but if you enjoy making all these lovely things, and the children enjoy receiving them, why not?
I LOVE all this and as a mommmy I would be more than thrilled for my child to bring this home from a party. (I have a reptile loving young boy as well, so I know he would be thrilled too). What I don't like is getting plastic made-in-China odds and ends that create more clutter in our lives. As a fellow crafter I do think that no, most people don't "get it", appreciate the aesthetic, and really don't care that something is handmade.
this is so lovely. and it is fantastic fro your children to see the effort going into such things. it means more, i think.
I'm working hard right now getting my son's 6th birthday party bags ready for Saturday and already a friend stopped over and saw my kitchen table loaded down with stuff.
I'm trying to make a memory here for my son and hopefully his friends but some parents just don't get it.
I'm off to sew on velcro tabs to 13 superhero capes to be completed!
Lovely blog and this post so eloquently describes how I feel every time I take treats for my son's preschool class. I am called a "Desperate Housewife" and usually get an eye roll when I go to his class with treats. I enjoy making things (crafting and baking) and I do it to make memories for my son...not to make other mothers feel bad. Great ideas on your blog ( may borrow a few for my upcoming party)
Thanks everyone for additional comments on this post. I am about to turn 40 (gasp!) and I have been thinking about how my forties need to be about not caring anymore about what other people think about me and what I do and all I do. 20's are about figuring out how to be an adult, 30's are about figuring out what sort of adult you want to be in the larger world, and 40's need to be about just being that person you spent so much time working out in your 30's. Amen, sister.
No you arent crazy and yes it is worth it. You figure you only get to do this maybe 10 times in their lives and then it's middle school and no more fun *insert preteen pout and moodiness* I LOVE LOVE LOVED doing all this for both of my kids (especially themed parties) and love to help with my nieces parties too. Sure no one cares but it's SO Worth it when you look back at all you've done and think..wow! Where did all that energy come from? HAAA
I love reptiles, especially turtles and the subject of these I feel super original, congratulations on the wit, detail and decoration are very pretty I tell my husband that I want this birthday theme for my son 3 nicholas and to be busy and not have time to buy viagra.
so i just happened to find your etsy shop...which lead me to your blog. i'm a minneapolis girl who's sad she wasn't at global market tonight!
thanks for your openess on this post--i've been going over in my head if i'm going over board with planning my daughter's b-day, i needed to read this tonight! blessing to you!
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