Beeper and I made these together over the weekend so he could hand them out to his pre-school class for his birthday treat. They're a cinch to make--all you need are some lollipops, tissue paper and florist tape.

You can find the nicely detailed instructions
here on the the
Full Circle blog. I mean, a rainbow of tissue paper and Dum-Dum lollies--does it really get much better than this for the 5 and under set?
My friend and I recently made what felt like millions of tissue flowers to decorate for her daughter's birthday party but I have never heard of putting lollipops in them, that is such a cute idea!
Hey Melissa. I really fell in love with this lolly idea when I saw it on the Full Circle blog--I have been waiting for months to put it to use and finally had the excuse. My son really loved helping with it too--the crunching the paper up to look like a flower played to his more destructive instincts. :-)
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