Friday, August 21, 2009

The Cloth Napkin Project: Some Ruffled, Some More Simple Fat Quarters

I know you have all been positively sitting on pins and needles, awaiting my update on the latest napkins I have created as part of my ongoing Cloth Napkin Project. I mean, how could you not be? Are napkins not the most riveting and enthralling subject? Well, let me keep you in suspense no longer...I made four of these pretty, ruffled yellow linen napkins. First time I've ever made a ruffle, if you must know. It was simple--provided you do not yank aggressively on the ends of your thread as you gather the strip of ruffle fabric into ruffles, because then the thread breaks and you have to cuss for a bit and go back to your sewing machine and once again sew that thread down the middle of your strip...speaking from experience, of course.

And in the spirit of full disclosure, I am not altogether entirely happy with these--yet. I think the width of the ruffle may be too is reminding me of a 70's era bridesmaid dress or kitchen curtains my mom would have had when I was 5 or something...and these are a little more "shabby chic" than intended, but that I think could grow on me. I actually made the ruffle from an old white bed sheet that I cut into strips, leaving the edges unfinished so they could be intentionally frayed (mostly because I am lazy). I am somehow convinced that I could create a version of this that would entirely please me, so I am going to try to make a few more yet, this time with white ruffle on white linen napkins, making the ruffle thinner and little more discreet--less 70's prom tuxedo shirt-y, if you know what I mean.And then I also made 6 more napkins from some more fat quarters I purchased at Crafty Planet. These were a big ol' piece of cake to make since I just folded and pressed the edges, then sewed those in place. I do like the combo of patterns on this set--they contain about all my favorite fabric patterns: stripes, polka dots, chickens, daisies and cherries.

So, 10 more napkins complete. I am at 28 total napkins made right now. My goal is 40. 12 more designs for you to look forward to, dear Chez Beeper Bebe readers.


  1. I absolutely love the "70's" ruffle! I think once it starts fraying it will look a little less like curtains. You have inspired me and I've been working on making my sisters cloth napkins for Christmas. I can't wait to try the ruffle for a set for me!

  2. Me too... that ruffle rocks... I love the unfinished edging too!! I am soooo into your napkin revival. Awesome.

  3. somewhat late for commenting on this post, but I just came across your blog this morning...

    You have motivated me to get started on a christmas project -- napkins for gifts -- I figure I have 48 napkin to make, 12 each for 4 friends and christmas fabrics are on sale this week!

    Away I go! Oh, I am just doing the turned hem, even that is a lot work -- I figure to buy at store prices 12 napkins would run 50 to 60 bucks! Wow what great gifts!

  4. You have totally inspired me to make a zillion napkins! Let the napkin factory begin!

  5. I must say that I think the ruffle looks great! I love it! I've been looking through some of your posts about napkins and you have inspired me to get started on my own! I am always looking for simple ways to brighten up my home, produce less waste and save money.... This fits into all of those! :)
