Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Eat This

Oh yes, more napkins for you. Well, actually, not really for you, but for your perusal. I decided to applique on a little message for these and I am digging the red letters on white linen (a Red Cross sort of effect--which appeals, at least for me).

And I was standing with my iron in hand, preparing to crease and press the edges so I could finish them, I realized I could just be lazy and leave them frayed and unfinished--therby picking up some extra time to watch another episode of Weeds. Frayed edges it was then.
Funny the things that drive design.


  1. You're so funny! These are awesome--I love them. Too cute to use...

  2. frayed edge is awesome.... great work!!

  3. i just LOVE your napkins! where are you getting your linen/what linen are you using?

  4. Hey Christi. I actually did not buy really good linen--I bought a cotton-linen blend. I think the weight is a little nicer for napkins and it does fray a little more cleanly than regular linen. I do not remember where I bought it but it was just a regular old chain fabric store--like Joann's or something. Nothing fancy. Thanks for the napkin appreciation.

  5. I have to say I am inspired to make cloth napkins now-I have two small children who beg for a wet paper towel after eating, then proceed to barely use it and then toss it in the trash. Not exactly economical...
