A new little plushie chicken with all the usual accoutrement has been created and the details for its listing has been sent to the Craft Hope for Haiti effort. The posse over at Craft Hope have been inundated with donations so despite all their best round-the-clock efforts, it is taking up to 24 hours for new donations to appear in their Etsy Shop they have set up to benefit Doctors Without Borders in support of Haiti. So, if you are interested in making the above little Birdie yours, all I can tell you is keep an eye on their shop.
And in case you have not been following, you should know that the Craft Hope for Haiti effort has already raised $7000 (in only two days!) from all that has been sold in the Etsy shop. Amazing, I tell you. I feel so proud to be part of this effort, however small my part may be--because it is grass roots and it is all about how a lot of little donations can make a difference. If you have not been over to the shop--go over and check it out. They are constantly updating as new stuff is in and it is selling very quickly.

In fact, I did a little shopping myself. Bought these lovely little organic cotton pink booties for a friend's baby shower that is coming up. They were made and donated by Funchi. So sweet and could be a lovely little heirloom. But best of all, that $28 I spent will all go to help the people of Haiti.
Did your birdie already sell out? I didn't see it when I looked. It's absolutely adorable and right up my daughter's alley.
I do not think it has been posted yet--they say postings for new items are taking up to 72 hours right now because of the quantity of donations. Keep your eye out--if I am notified when they post it, I will try to post a notification here, on my blog, as well. Thanks for your interest.
hello Holly, thank you for your donation... I'm the lucky buyer... I write a post about your adorable bitty birdie.
Holly! I just saw your little birdie on Ohdeedoh! I love that little bird! Gaaah! So cute!
Who knew I was there, on Ohdeeoh. I mean, Katie did--but I guess I don't get out of the house enough because I never seem to know when my stuff is around the blogosphere unless someone tells me...like dear Katie. And Katie was there too of course--good thing we like each other so we don;t have to feel competitive that we both ended up in the same Ohdeeoh article...I mean, if Katie's there, it has to be good.
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