Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sharing: Mid-Summer's Projects to Check Out

These are all the mid-summer projects I want to make--most of which I probably won't--but I think I can manage a few like those sponge bombs, and I MUST make some friendship bracelets because I have been obsessing about them for some time now.  But maybe you can manage to be more industrious than I can in the summer when all I want to do involves a cold drink and a lake and a book...

If I get my butt in gear, maybe I can even get around to the little A-frame pup tent--and one of those stripey skirts for me because I love all things stripey.   But I still want to make our picnic quilt, and am in the midst of popsicle making (new recipes to come soon!), and there is our garden to tend, and grass to be laid upon, and sun tea to be drunk while sitting in the shade of a tree and reading Keith Richard's autobiography...


  1. Fantastic list! I'm finding it hard to do any crafting this summer too, its been too lovely to just sit, read and watch my kids swim. :-) Your list might just motivate me to do something though.

  2. Thanks for all the awesome Links!
