Monday, July 18, 2011

Someone Lost a Tooth...

Not the first one he had lost, but he is pretty proud about losing a front tooth.  Me?  I am a little sad.  You know, just that usual stuff about life going by so quickly.  


  1. Can totally understand why he'd be so proud to have lost a front tooth and why it brings a little bit of sadness to you. Kids grow up so fast...can hardly believe me oldest nephew is 12 now. I remember first getting to meet him when he was a shy 2 year old and it's amazing how quickly time flies.

  2. Congrats! My daughter lost her first tooth a couple weeks ago. Just in time to start first grade! I'm so excited for her and when I take pictures I make sure she smiles big enough for us to see the gap on the bottom. Do you think its weird to keep the teeth? My mom thinks its gross. As a gift I made my daughter a pretty beaded box out of a match box.

  3. Yosefa--we also keep Beeper's teeth that he loses. I am not sure what we will do with them or where they will go, but for now they are in a box with some other keepsakes of his. It does not seem gross to me--just a memento from their growing up.

  4. oh i hear ya ! i am saying hello because we are both to be fatured in popular crafts magazine!
