Sunday, October 2, 2011

Eat This: Sweet Corn Cakes

Sweet corn cakes.  Like pancakes hooked up with some corn bread and rolled out of bed to greet you on your breakfast plate.  Seriously, I know.  These make perfect autumn into winter breakfast fare--hearty, yes, but mostly because they are such a luscious golden color it will bring back memories of warmer summer days.  Until they hit your tongue--then all you will think about is how you can hoard the stack in the center of the table all for you, only you.
Ingredients?  Feel free to use frozen or fresh corn kernels in the batter--just make sure you cook them first.  Actually, I'm not sure why I add the corn kernels at the very end instead of with the other wet ingredients--but I do and it seems to work all right so why mess with it?
And the best thing you can do, if you really want to know, is top these with real maple syrup and a sprinkling of grated cotija cheese. This is how they serve them up at Maria's Cafe, a Colombian breakfast joint here and the inspiration for this recipe.  The dry and salty flavor of Cotija perfectly complements the tender sweetness of these cakes and makes your breakfast transcendant.  Or, just really, really good.  
Happy breakfasting.


  1. Holly, we need to hit Maria's for breakfast. Being that I used to LIVE in Colombia and all.

    Also, I made something similar to this and ate them with close-roasted ancho chile pork as suggested by Sally Schneider and it was DIVINE.

    I wish we could crash dinner/breakfast at your house.

  2. These sound delicious. Ill be putting them on the menu this weekend. You have a lovely blog. I am just enjoying a read through with my cuppa:)
