Monday, October 3, 2011

Lucky Day Give-Away Winners of Microcrafts

Hey there lucky-day-give-away contestants.  I've got a couple of winners:

1) Amanda of comment #9, c'mon down and collect your copy of Microcrafts and get to work on that taxidermy deer head for Blythe.
2) Mandy, of comment #36, the girl with a soft spot for Pluto, get on over here too and get your copy--and I hope to continue to see you around these parts with your clever commentary that made me smile.

Both of you: please email me with your name and mailing addresses so I can get some of these books off my hands and into yours.    
The rest of you: go on back to your usual programming because I got nothin' for you.


  1. Oh I don't know about nothing for us, there's quite a nice blog here for us to enjoy :). Ok, back to my regular programming!

  2. Hi there! I made one of your monster cuties for my review of Microcrafts and thought I would share!

  3. MArigold--thanks for sharing. I like your three-eyed matchbox monster--one can always do with a third eye in a pinch. Nice.

  4. my book is here, holly! thanks so much!!
