I am so in love with the downloadable calendars available on Etsy, right now, as we speak. Between you and me, I have ordered 4 already--and I may be back for 1 or 2 more of the above. Does this seem irrational and like I may have some sort of hoarding problem around which a reality show could be constructed? Well, I like to merely think of myself as smart and thrifty--because, what I plan to do with all of these calendars (aside from revel in their design during spare moments) is to give them for christmas gifts--one for everyone on my gift giving list--friends, family, teachers, coworkers, you-frickin-name-it--they are ALL getting one of these calendars this year. And this is the beauty of the $5 downloadable, PDF calendar, non? You can make as many copies as you please and give them out to the paperboy, neighbors, newly acquired friends on street corners...whomever, whenever. Give, give, give. And also, since you do have to print and assemble them, I think they can at least partially count as handmade--right? (and with the Decorate Your Own from A Little Hut, well you get full handmade credits there).
And for your own reference and further perusal, these are the calendars pictured above (listed left to right, from top row to bottom):
I've only just discovered the world of delicious downloadable, printable goodies (('just' as in last night via sew mama sew)), and I'm SO in love. Unfortunately our printer, although it's wonderful and can do like 50 things, doesn't have a power supply cable :<
So I can't print anything out yet. But man have I got alot bookmarked when I am able!
Thankyou for the links!
xxx max
These are wonderful. I couldn't resist the Nature Calendar by Blue Tricycle. Beautiful. :)
Holly! I am sitting down for the first time in weeks to look at my fav blogs and I am DRINKING yours up. Man. Like a shot in the arm. An espresso in the morning. You ooze talent, my friend. I totally needed this recharge.
(Are you under 2 feet of snow this morning?! Holy Jack Frost!)
Last year I bough little brown pens calendar and love it. I printed out a bunch gave them out to friends with a little holder/envelope I folded out of scrapbook paper with a note that said "looking forward to spending 2009 with you." As it turns out... we moved out of state that year!
Thanks, Katie. Do you think you can hook me up with Martha? Did she buy anything from you? I totally dig Martha. How can you be a crafter and not dig Martha? I mean, any woman who can become one of the wealthiest women in America based on her skills in the domestic arts--well, bless her, I tell you.
And yes, total Jack Frost around here too. Freezing drafts blowing through our downstairs as we speak--got to love a house built in 1920 with the original windows.
Max California--you rock. Seriously, how could your son not grow up to be a rock star with you as his mum?
And thank you for all the lovely comments.
Ooooh, don't forget me. My calendar is here, I'll swing you one on the email. http://katiecrackernuts.blogspot.com/2009/12/its-just-little-something.html
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