I made this for Matilda for her 7th birthday--a children's sewing kit. Matilda is, perhaps, the biggest fan of all the stuff I make and has declared before that she wants to be a plushie-maker like me when she grows up--so I am always happy to make a little something for her. But then Carrie, Matilda's mom, was complaining to me that there were no good first sewing kits out there for children that did not contain gross synthetic crap that only offered an artificial sewing experience that did not really teach you anything about sewing--which bugged me for half a second only to quickly morph into thinking about possible designs for a children's sewing kit.

So, this was what emerged--whipped up quickly last night. Yes, please try to ignore all the design flaws--there are plenty. But this was fine for a 7-year-old who wants to learn to sew. I also included a few simple hand-sewing projects for her (not pictured)--a little flower bracelet, some small animal plushies, and a little notebook and colored pencil holder--all made from wool felt since it is an easy non-fraying material to work with.

I like the notion of a children's sewing kit, no question (and so does Beeper since he told me he too wants his own so he can make a vampire doll and a Superman doll). And I do plan to make another one of these--since now I know what I would change and fix in the initial design (like ironing the fabric before I cover the box pieces, which I was too lazy too to do last night, apparently)--and then I will put it out here as a tutorial for all of you, if you care or want to make your own or something like that.
Oh thats awsome! Right on top of gaudy plastic useless sewing baskets is the fact that they are all for 'girls' not so good for making Batmans(or is it Batmens?) or aliens or superhero outfits, this would be perfect in 'boy' fabrics, can't wait for tute!
Oh, thank you! This is just perfect, my three year old is driving me bat-spit crazy wanting to "help" with my sewing projects.
He's too young to use this kit right away (sharp objects and soft little baby fingers, *cringe*) but I will be so darn happy to have it when the time comes.
I look forward to the tute for this one! My girl is a bit young for this at the moment but I know exactly who I'll be making it for.
That would be wonderful! My 4.5 year old is very into learning to sew and she's already dismissed the horrible plastic needle I tried her on first. Any tips on what to include would be most welcome too, I sort of feel like there must be techniques to learning but I can't quite translate my ability into teaching very effectively!
That looks like a great sewing kit! I would like to make one for my kids.
great idea. my 7 years old daughter would love a kit like you made. i'm waiting for the tutorial. thanks.
I can't wait to see the tutorial. My little girl is a bit young now (3yrs) for most of that but she already loves to see what I create and I'm sure she'll love something like this in the near future!
I have two boys that are budding sewers (3 and 5) and i would love to make them kits for christmas next year. So just in case you need an extra nudge to get around to the tutorial-- know that i'll be waiting in the wings!
Very cool idea! I fully intend to make sure Baby Boy knows how to sew a thing or two when he grows up and I cringe at the cheap plastic crap that goes out as a children's "sewing kit" these days. I have a question too--is the Crayola box pictured in the middle of the sewing box for fabric crayons? I didn't know Crayola made such a product. Just out of curiosity, where did you find them?
Yes--the crayola box is for fabric crayons--although, I think it might be a "faux" crayola knock-off. But Crayola does actually sell both fabric crayons and markers. I have, in fact, seen them both in the art material aisle at Target recently...I think I bought these crayons at Michaels though.
I love it! I've been making similar ones but using old sewing patterns to cover the box. I also have a list of kid-friendly sewing tools to fill the box with on my blog - http://sewingschool.blogspot.com I hope it gives you some more ideas.
Perfect timing! my 8yo daughter just asked me today to teach her how to sew as I was making a placemat. Can't wait!
oh this is good.
that is so cute!! Good job.
oh wow how adorable, i need my own sewing kit! all my stuff are a mess! :D
This is perfect! I'm already thinking of all the youngsters in my life that would adore a "real" sewing kit.
yes please! Would love to make one for my son so he will leave my stuff alone.
or is that too much to wish for?
what a great idea! this just might be what my niece will be getting for her birthday! you are so creative and smart!
As Matilda's mother, I can only enthusiastically gush about this sewing kit. It beats the hell out of the plastic pencil box with a magnet for needles and few spools of thread jacked from a hotel sewing kit that I threw together.
I will restate my annoyance at "kids craft kits!" that don't seem to promote any type of skill development. I mean, who really needs to learn how to add foam stickers to something? I think these kits are beautiful and very useful.
Love the kit idea! No young children around me now, but perhaps in a couple years there could be grandkids so am looking forward to seeing further developments on this idea...
Oh my...this is just lovely!..what a great idea. I too have been disappointed with sewing kits available for children. I can't wait to see your tutorial...I would love to make one for my daughter who is starting to show an interest in sewing.
I'd really love the tutorial on this. So nice to have colorful boxes to hold your sewing stuff. I'm working on your counting bean bag tutorial today. :-)
I would love to make this for my daughter. I would love a tutorial.
Those looking for a "safer" needle should try the counted cross stitch needles, sorry not sure of their "real" name. They are somewhat blunt, big eyes, great to thread embroidery floss, and go through felt or fleece without trouble.
what a fantastic gift! & all the bright mix of colors is perfect for a little girl.
i've got an 8 yr. old (& her pen friend) who would love something like this!
happy start to your week :)
I love it. Anxiously awaiting the tutorial. This will be perfect as a summer activity for my children. Thanks for all the inspiration.
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