Friday, July 23, 2010

In My Shop: Stripey Pick Up Sticks in a Pouch

4 sets of colorful pick up sticks in all their stripey splendor are in my shop.  They come complete with 41 sticks, a convenient carrying pouch (fully lined, for those discerning types), and complete instructions for those of you who are new to the game or who have forgotten just how to play the timeless and delightful game of pick up sticks.  Perfect for a child, or perhaps just the child in you.
Find them here.


  1. These are so cute. Maybe when my kiddo is a bit older :)

  2. your blog is awesome! and so are your great creations! i think i am going to try this with my kids!
    thank you!

  3. We loved this game as kids! I'd love to remind my sisters of our games by sending them a set! Thanks for the memory jog and lovely idea.

  4. I love the little pouches they come in. So perfect. Your blog is wonderful, you know that, right?

  5. These are beautiful. You've done such a great job. Love your blog!

  6. So many gracious comments about my blog--thank you. It really is nice to hear those things from time to time since there are, of course, moments when I wonder why am I devoting so much time to this bloggy thing? But the interaction with all of you visiting is what really makes it worth it. So, thanks.

  7. thanks for this idea -- 7 neices and nephews, I'm sure will enjoy these and with those super pouches they will be able to keep their sets nice and neat!

  8. Where do you get your fabrics from? They are just so cute!

  9. The Dapper Deer: I get my fabrics a variety of places--but the two places I like in the Minneapolis metro area are Crafty Planet (which also has a virtual shop), and Treadle Yard Goods. But I also pick up fabrics at chain shops like Joann, or on occasion from Etsy shops that sell fabrics or at thrift shops...really, I am kind of a fabric slut and will buy from anyone who has something of interest, if you know what I mean.
