Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Binky Bunny Options

This is the Baby Binky Bunny designed by Larissa over at mmmcrafts.  I made this one back in December as a gift for my niece's daughter, sweet Lily.  I also made this one for dear Mimi for her 2nd birthday, and then made this one for a Toy Society drop sometime thereafter.  And now, with Miss Bean's 2nd birthday coming up, I want to make one for her too. (actually, I wanted to make her a full-sized rag doll version of my Bitty Bebe with all the accoutrement but just do not have time to get it designed and sewn up this week--but the rag doll version is coming, trust me, since I have been thinking about it nearly every single dang day for weeks now...).  I have also had Larissa's latest Baby Binky Bunny accessories pattern lurking in my to-make pile for a few a months so I figured I would toss that in as part of Miss Bean's gift.

So today I began to select fabrics for the bunny and its patchwork, except I ended up with 3 different sets of fabric options and now I cannot decide which it will be.  Don't you hate that?  That over-abundance of inspiration?  The excess of options?  The ensuing indecisiveness?  

Here are the fabric options as they look today (binky quilt options on left, bunny fabric with contrasting ear fabric on right)...
(brown/green/yellow/blue/red binky and brown corduroy bunny)
(pink/blue/yellow/lavendar binky and raspberry wool tweed bunny)
(red/green/yellow/blue binky and buttery yellow corduroy bunny)

Can you give me some help here?   Which do you think it should be?   
(and did I remember to tell you thank you for all the great suggestions of things to make with the plant-dyed felt?  Because now I have a whole list of ideas that grew from your suggestions--more to come on that.  And thanks too. You guys are the best)


  1. Loving the bottom combo with the yellow corduroy. Sweet!

  2. I am absolutely loving the first combo with the brown bunny!

  3. Yellow! It's toooo sweet not to do.

  4. I love the last combo with the cord bunny!

  5. Well I love all of them but it looks like you haven't done one in yellow yet so that's the one I'd choose to do.

  6. I vote for the yellow corduroy. I love the colors for the accessories.

  7. The first combo is fabulous!!!

  8. Definitely go with the brown cord. I love the bright colors of that combo.

  9. I like the idea of the yellow corduroy bunny best! Though all three of them are amazing.

  10. When I have an overabundance of inspiration, I usually make all the the variations. : ) But just in case you really do need to narrow it down to one, I'll cast my vote for the yellow corduroy. I love it.

  11. oh I love the yellow! such a bright happy color.
    I am in love with this pattern... And I just bought it, i have a bunch of baby showers coming up and this is such a sweet gift!! Your blog always inspires me!!

  12. Mmmm! That buttery yellow definitely. I love those bunnies, now I think I am going to head to my stash.

  13. I love all the combos, but especially the third on with the yellow cord. My project of the day is making some of your counting bean bags for my nieces who are turning 3 soon. Thank you for all the inspiration!

  14. I vote bottom combo too and LOVE your site.

  15. Yep, another vote for the yellow cord bunny. Too too too sweet!

  16. I like the yellow cord as well. So cute!

  17. hmmm....well, seems clear which one I should make then. Honestly, I was leaning toward the yellow too, but you all cemented that for me. Will be back with photos of the finished binky and baby bunny later this weekend...

  18. yellow looks so comfy....

  19. I totally missed this post and couldn't throw in my two cents. But thanks so much for the sweet shout out about the bunny pattern! You are too kind. And for the record, I think you should make all the combos. Just sayin.
