Tuesday, September 7, 2010

End of Summer Cabin Days

(Lake Vermillion Beach Scene)
(Super Hero Sand Castle with Moat)
(Ludlow's Island)
(Beeper's Catch of the Day)
(Vanilla Vodka Lemonade with a View and Lake Shoreline)
(Little Angelfish)
(Black-Eyed Susan)
(Running Jump from the Dock)
(FlipFlops and Beach Grass)
(Sandcastle City and Mr Floatie)
(Blue Skies and Lake)
(Rolling Down the Hill)
(Full Canoe)
(Kid's Craft Play Boat)
(Flying a Kite)
(Best Friends on the Boat)
(Found Treasures)
(Prosecco on the Porch)
(Floatie Fun)
Some photos from our now annual summer's-end week at Ludlow's Island on Lake Vermillion in the northern reaches of Minnesota.  Ludlow's is the perfect blend of old authenticity and natural beauty paired with just a bit of luxury.  And the staff there are lovely--doing the little extra that makes it all work (like boating over a bottle of maple syrup to the cabin in the morning when we had hot pancakes ready but discovered we had no syrup to go with them).

 It is a full week of swimming, lounging outdoors all day, dinners at a picnic table overlooking the lake at sunset, s'mores in the fieldstone fireplace each night, and just the right amount of activity and doing nothing for big and little people alike.  This is our third year at Ludlow's and we will probably go back every year now for the rest of our lives--starting our own family tradition.   Oh, and if you are really into the photos, there are more here for you to check out.


  1. what lovely memories you are making with your family. perfectly summer.

  2. gorgeous pictures! You brought e there with you, wherever you went on holidays ;)

  3. Looks like you had a fantastic summer :-)

  4. It was sort of the perfect mix of the kids loving the natural surroundings enough that they pretty much entertained themselves with minimal input from their parents--which left us (the parents) to sit back and drink vanilla vodka lemonades and read and swim and just do a whole lot of nothing. Doing nothing is so under-rated.

  5. Looks like a wonderful way to end the summer days
