Friday, September 3, 2010

Joining Ohdeedoh's Big Blog Family: Thanks Katie!

That Katie of the clever Matsutake fame and now a regular contributor to Ohdeedoh is such a peach.  She has just put up the most lovely blather about me and Chez Beeper Bebe on Ohdeedoh as part of their Big Blog Family series.  I am so flattered, and even a little gobsmacked, really.

And if you are visiting here from Ohdeedoh for the very first time, well, welcome.  Come on in.  Have a seat in that chair over there, put your feet up and let me get you a cup of tea, or a cocktail, if you are of the same mind I am.  Feel free to look around the place at your leisure and try out some of my projects or recipes, and by all means, tell me what you think because I would love to have a little tete à tete and know all about anything that might be on your mind.  Visitors are always welcome around here.  Especially visitors who are sent by Katie and her pals over at Ohdeedoh.

Oh, and the rest of you, you know those of you who are regulars around here?--you know who you are.  Anyway, you are always welcome here too--help yourself to the wine, grab a snack, and settle in for the afternoon.  Friends around the place always make it a little warmer.

And if you have a minute, please check out Katie's write up on Ohdeedoh--you can find it here.


  1. Hi there I popped over from Ohdeedoh... and love your bright funky colors and well just everything!!! Wonderful!!! Totally added you to my RSS straight away!!!

  2. Hey se7en. Welcome. Thanks for wanting to keep track of what I am up to over here too. I will try to keep it relatively interesting...

  3. Wow, what a lot of great things are going on over here! Thanks for the welcome... I think I'll be staying a while, if you don't mind... :)

  4. What a nice write up! You totally deserve it - your blog is so inspiring and fun.

  5. Wow, I have not stopped reading your blog since i found it yesterday... any chance i get I pick up where I left off... I am now on your sept 2008 blogs lol ...

    Your blog is so amazing! Full of charm, creativity, and oh so many projects I have added to my list...

    Only one thing made me sad... if only Bitty Bebes made an encore appearance! So cute! Not surprised they are all sold out but only wishing they would come back or kit/pattern be available for purchase... *hint, hint* :)

  6. Thanks everyone. That write up does feel pretty good, if I do say so myself.

    Re the Bitty Bebes: I will likely make more soon, and some Bitty watch this space. They are on my list of items to put back in stock in my shop..;can someone invent that 30 hour day for me already? That would help a bunch.
