Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Gaggle of Beasts

Made a gaggle of Beddy-Bye Beasts over the weekend.  I sort of forgot what a pleasure these are to make in multiple--all that uber-soft double-washed cashmere from recycled sweaters, the simplicity with which a beast comes together, the sweet smell of the calming herb pouch tucked inside, and all the happy colors of cashmere I have managed to thrift over the years.  They are sort of like a cuddly rainbow all grouped there together, don't you think? 

Lucky for you, they will all be for sale at the No Coast Craft O'Rama on Dec 3rd and 4th at the Midtown Global Market in Minneapolis where I will be setting up my own little shop.  And if you cannot make it over to the sale, remember that you can always make your own from my tutorial right here.


  1. My favorite are the ones with the snouts. so adorable.

  2. Thanks you guys--I am partial to the ones with a snout too--they are meant to be monkeys but these things are hard to discern on a 8 inch tall plushie with wonky features. The chickens too-as always, I love the chickens.

  3. Honestly, there is just something about everything you make that is so darn cute. These guys are adorable!

  4. I totally agree with everyone.. I love everything you make. I have made the alphabets and will be making the bathat and beddybye beast for all my neices,nephews and grandbaby for christmas! thank you for your hard work and giving us these beautiful tutes!!
