Thursday, November 18, 2010

HP + HK = True Love 4-ever

Hands up: Who's going to the Harry Potter movie premier tomorrow?  I confess, we bought tickets weeks ago and while Beeper was the one who really brought Harry Potter into our home when he asked me to read the first book to him--well, I believe my love of Harry Potter has long since outstripped his.  And this is no small statement since the kid has been walking around with a wand and in knock-off Harry Potter glasses for weeks now.  And yes, the photo above was from Halloween--we bought some temporary hair color that you spray on and it was supposed to be brown, but instead it looks like Harry drank a little too much butterbeer with the girls in Hufflepuff and decided to let them put a henna rinse in his hair or something.  Or maybe it was just a poorly executed spell in transfiguration class.  You decide.

Whatever the case,  I am so excited to see the latest movie I may not even be able to sleep tonight. (And I am comfortable with the fact that I am this big of a nerd, okay?)  The past 6 weeks we have been meeting with friends every Friday for a chronological viewing of the earlier Harry Potter movies--leading right up to tomorrow's premier.  Butterbeer was made a couple of times, and we made cockroach clusters the night we hosted--and put out dishes of Jelly Bellies and just called them Every Flavor Beans.  Licorice Wands were a weekly staple too.  And yes, I admit my inner schoolgirl self has a crush on Harry.  I've always had a thing for nice boys--which is why I married Mr Beeper, I suppose--but above all else Harry is so damn nice.  That gets me every time.  And maybe I should be embarrassed and feel like Mrs Robinson, but the thing is one of my other friends recently admitted she has a crush on Ron Weasley--and now wants this t-shirt--so at least I am not alone.  

Leave a comment if you too love Harry--or Ron, or Lupin or Hagrid, or whomever.  It's okay to admit it.  You are safe here.


  1. I LOVE THEM ALL!!! I HAD TO HAVE THE LEGOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    my kids are into it on a point a stick at each other and babble a spell, but they are very young still. My sisters, mom and I all read the books as they were coming out and adore Harry Potter. I can't go on Friday, but my baby sister is coming to visit so we can go togehter on Saturday as our tradition dictates seeing it together!
    I think I will sneak in some of that butter beer!

  2. I just saw that t-shirt and am all over it. Thanks for the link!

  3. I started reading them to my kids, but ended up addicted. Last year, I reread all of them. What a treat! I'll never make it for the midnight showing after working all day, though. I'd see it soon though.

  4. What a cutie! He makes a fantastic Harry and I'm sure he could whip up a spell or two :) I'm a total HP fan as well but since my little Miss hates dark places I may have to wait for this movie on DVD ... enjoy! It sounds like you've been having a great time celebrating.

  5. Omg that pic is awesome! I have kind of trouble deciding between Harry and Ron! Both are sweet, but I still feel like a cougar!

  6. *waves hand in the air fanatically*

    I can hardly wait until Saturday when I get to see it. I'm a Snape fan myself.

  7. Ugh... I'm so jealous. I can't wait to see the movie. My parents were supposed to drive up for a visit this weekend so they could see the baby, visit with the 7 year old AND babysit so my husband and I could see the movie. We pre-bought tickets and everything. But my father came down with shingles (bleah) & they had to cancel.

    Solace... a large package arrived this evening via owl-post. My uncle & aunt visited the new Wizarding World in Florida last week and sent my 7 year old an uber-fabulous wand...

    Hope you enjoy the movie! (and P.S. your little guy makes a cute "Harry Potter.")

  8. I have to admit that I admired Harry's forearms in the 5th movie, but immediately felt a bit pervy because I probably could have been his Mother. Ha!
    I totally have a crush on Sirius Black though (don't tell my husband:).
    Have fun at the premiere!

  9. I'm sending HP love from across the globe!

    Still didn't go to see the movie, I need everything to calm down, I hate watching movies with hundreds of crazy kids...

  10. I too am a Sirius fan. He is just so cool. I love how he shoots his wand from the hip and wears those natty pinstriped suits.

    Also, love Snape. I keep wishing there were more opportunities in my workplace to really behave like Snape--walking around cuffing people up the back of the head when they annoy you, grabbing their heads and snarling at them to pay attention...

  11. Today it's the big day for me!
    I'm going to watch Harry.. i'm so excited!
    The "persons" i like the most is Albus Dumbledore, Fang (the dog of Hagrid) and Dobby, the house elf :)

  12. Oh, yes! I love Harry! I'm not going tonight/last night? but we are going on Tuesday night to avoid the rush.

  13. I am very sad to say that my Sleazy for Weasley t-shirt will probably not arrive in time for the matinee I am attending with Holly today!

    I also love Sirius - hubba hubba.

    There are many butterbeer recipes out there. This is the one we used at the parties and which I will make again for my Harry Potter classes:

  14. Oh do I need that shirt. And one for Snape too - there's just something about him.

  15. I read the books the first time when pregnant with my daughter, the second time through when I was pregnant with my son. They are amazing. I've never been to Disney world [or land or whatever], but I want to go and see Hogwarts so badly.

    Your son makes a wonderful Harry!

  16. I love Harry the most, for sure.

  17. Just wanted to drop in to share that we did see the movie and it was very dramatic and very good. There was this lovely scene between Harry and Hermione that was not in the book but just made me love Harry all the more for being the nice boy he is...won't tell you more...but the movie was enjoyed by all.

  18. That costume is fantastic, and the red hair, well, all kinds of unpredictable things happen during double Transfiguration. I've read the entire wonderful series twice. Well, possibly three times. Cried like a baby when D went over the wall. I have always loved Minerva McGonagall. And I'm excited about the movie, maybe seein it this weekend!

  19. Awesome post! Haha, HP geeks unite!!! I too am a massive fan, and I must say - I'm very envious of those awesome movie showings you've been having with your friends... Have to say, I love both Harry and Ron, but Remus Lupin stole my heart (oh Lupin, Lupin!). Or maybe I just have massive crush on David Thewlis, it's hard to tell.

  20. Oh yeah, we went to the midnight showing, so good!
