Monday, November 15, 2010

Sharing: Gifts to Make for Kiddos

Only 6 weeks until Christmas, people.  So, how are your holiday projects and gifts coming along?  Yeah, I thought so.  Me too.  Well, anyway, here's a handful of projects you could make for the kiddies in your life--if you need some ideas.  These are some of my own favorites.  Like that sweet little lavender baby from Molly Chicken.  Or that simple and colorful fabric stove cover.  Or how about those uber-sweet bookplates from Sweet Jessie--a little stack of those would make a lovely gift. Oh, and I made the felt sandwich from Myrtle and Eunice last year as a gift and it looked awesome (especially the lettuce leaf--loved that). Go here to find the links to all of the above projects.  What are you waiting for?  Go already.


  1. I'm having trouble figuring out which link belongs to the picture at the bottom right... the one with the cars...?

  2. That is the play tables link:
    There are multiple pages/views to the link that show you various versions of the play table, as well as how to make one...
