Monday, December 13, 2010

For You: 2011 Beeper Bebe Calendar

First off, I know my blogging has really been sporadic at best the past few months--which I have probably hated more than you--but there was this perfect storm of opportunity that descended upon me back in August--I was asked to be in a magazine, then I was asked to guest blog on Whip Up, then I was asked by three different people with three different publishers to contribute to books--and then I was accepted as a vendor to the No Coast Craft O'Rama.  Damn!  It has been a busy three months--an avalanche of activity I am grateful for, but I have missed the rhythm of contributing to this blog and meeting up with all of you.

But now I am here.  Perhaps not quite rested yet given the holiday crafting mania that besets me annually like an illness for which there is no cure (homemade ornaments!  cookies!  handmade gifts! yes, yes, YES!), but here I am, nevertheless.  Sipping some tea, happy because I have managed to come up with a little gift for all of you--call it a thank you for continuing to stop by, for continuing to leave a little comment or two, for continuing to check in despite the fact that I may not have been home at all.
You see, I always make calendars every year for Mr Beeper, and my mum, but it got me thinking--why not a calendar for you? Because everyone needs a little calendar to hang over their desk--something than can both be useful and lovely to look at.  So I have gathered photos from all my favorite projects I made this past year and put them into this calendar...and maybe it will even inspire you to make some of them since over half of the photos are from projects you can download instructions and templates for right here.
Anyway--thank you.  Yes, you.  For being my friend in all of this crafty craziness, for lending support when called upon, for just stopping in.  It's nice to not be alone and to have someone who will enable all my crafting mania.  Now, go get your 2011 Beeper Bebe calendar (um, it is kind of a big file, so patience please) and I'll be seeing you around here a little bit more now...


  1. Ahhh! What a great gift to hang up in my son's room as we are learning about the days of the month now! Thank YOU!!!

  2. Thanks for the cute calendar! Love your crafting - so cute.

  3. You are the sweetest ever - not to mention generous! I'm off to download your beautiful calendar! And can I just say that your blog has become one of my top favorites? Always excited to see a new post from you:)

  4. Your gratitude makes me smile-so thanks for that, everyone. I will be back later this week with a fave holiday cookie recipe...

  5. Oh! Oh! So exciting!!! I love it to bits--you're awesome, and you know I love you.

    Merry Christmas! Thank you!


    p.s. Do you sleep? I mean, really?!
