Saturday, December 11, 2010

Still More in my Shop: Kiddie Cones

I love vintage dime store toys so I got a little crazy and made up these kiddie cones that contain an assortment of vintage dime store toys and a few classic candies.  Each cone is made from fabric and fully lined with a contrasting fabric and has a ribbon handle for easy hanging from some lucky child's door knob or something like that.  And when emptied, the cone can be upended and worn as a hat--clever, eh?  They were a hot seller at the No Coast sale.

Anyway, you can find 6 different assorted kiddie cones in my shop--each with its own sweet trove vintage fun.  Find them all here.

Also, I am so done with posts about shop I am onto Christmas gift creation and some tutorials for all of you...


  1. What a clever idea! I love reading your blog! I am amazed at your talent and creativity.

  2. Thanks so much, Hi. To be honest, I am feeling a little dry on creativity lately after several months of needing to produce new designs for 4 different book submissions--and then getting ready for the No Coast sale...but am taking a deep breath with my feet up right now and have a little something for everyone tomorrow--just for hanging in there the last few months when I have not been my usual blogging self...

  3. Darling, happy New Year and thanks for the great and inspiring ideas! Although there is no tutorial I would like to make these cones for a birthday party for one year of my son - the theme is vintage circus. I am Brazilian and I could not buy their cones at the moment. You authorize the use of your idea?
    A hug, Deia

  4. Deia--
    Please feel free to make some for yourself and your son's birthday. I actually got the idea from the book, Paper + Craft--only their version is made from woven paper. I simply made mine from two pieces of fabric that had been fused together--and used the largest template from my pine tree forest advent calendar (flipped upside down they will be a cone) as the pattern. Pretty simple really.

    You can find the pine tree advent calendar here and link out to the templates on the Woman's Day website:

    Happy crafting. Hope you will share photos once completed!

  5. Thanks Holly, so they are ready put the photos on your flicker group :)
