Monday, December 6, 2010

In My Shop: More Toys & Stuff Than You Can Shake a Stick at...

It is all photo mosaics, all the time around here lately.  But I just wanted you to know about all the stuff that has landed in my shop--this really was the biggest shop update I have ever done and my shop overfloweth with all manner of stuff....this is what happens when you craft 24-7 for about a month, in case you were wondering what that looked like.  Seriously, I am ridiculously sleep deprived at this point and am surviving on an intraveinous green tea drip and triple chocolate coated almonds--on the upside, Craig Ferguson and I have become real tight and meet up nightly around 11:30pm.  

 I am looking forward to being back around the blog again more regularly, with some new tutorials and fewer photo mosaics...And, if you are interested or are still needing to finish up some shopping for some kiddos, you might want to stop in and check out my shop--find it here.

1 comment:

  1. Love your stuff! Have really enjoyed browsing through your site!
