Saturday, December 4, 2010

No Coast Craft O'Rama: Come Say Hey

Hey you.  You may not realize it, but you should--it is the weekend of the No Coast Craft O'Rama here in Minneapolis.  And if you are from this area, you should stop everything so you can come on over and do some shopping and stop in at my booth and say "hey".  I love meeting you in person.  

The sale is from 9-5 today at the Midtown Global Market on Chicago and Lake Streets.   You can read more about the No Coast here and all of its uber-cool crafty vendors.

And yes, all those photos above are of the things I am selling today (new things like the fabric cones filled with vintage dimestore toys and candies, organic cotton sleepy bear, the monster i-pod cozies, the elepharoos, the smiling dotty hippos...)--in addition to matchbox monsters, beddy bye beasts, bitty bow wows, cute as a button hairpins, counting bean bags, batbaby hats, onesies, bibs, and more that I am sure I am forgetting because I really need to be finishing this post and getting over to the sale so I can set up now....

Oh--and I really did make A BUTTLOAD this year so I am sure there will be stuff I will not sell so if there is anything you see here that you really would like for yourself, please leave a comment stating what it is and your email address--or just send me a separate email with said info--and I would be pleased as punch to put up a reserve listing for you in my Etsy shop (my standard shipping charges will apply--but I am happy to ship priority mail at no extra cost to you so it can reach you in two shakes of a lamb's tail.)

And happy Saturday to everyone.  Hope there is some handmade on everyone's holiday shopping list.


  1. Awesome stuff! Wish I was there to shop.

  2. i'm trying to get the guts to muddle through the snow with my two little boys...hope i'll get to meet you!

  3. Love the alligators and their button joints! Too cute. Have fun!

  4. OH MY CUTENESS!! Please tell me you are writing a how-to book! I'd snap one one up in a flash:)

  5. It's all so cute! I hope you have a great selling day. Sure wish I lived close enough to come and shop. I think that the alligators are among my favorites!!!

  6. darn, I knew I should have tried harder to make it to this. Oh well, would have been fun meeting you in person
