Sunday, January 16, 2011

Look What You Made...

Made by Helen Rawlinson--check out the colorful and freeform number applique
Many of you have been busy this past year, making a little something from one of my designs--but not merely making it--making it your own.  I love when you do that--because I do that too, all the time.  

Recently Modern Parents, Messy Kids did a little write up about giving books for gifts and offered a link to my library book bag tutorial in their post--but suggested that people might just want to use a ready made canvas tote to start with and simply applique on the word "BOOKS" and sew on a library card pocket in the same manner I did mine--which is smart.  Seriously.  I see things I want to make all the time (um, if you have not yet noticed this about me), but then sometimes I just do not have the wherewithal to make it as prescribed from start to finish so I work in a short cut, or sometimes I just feel compelled to tweak the design in some way because I would prefer the doll have knee socks and not just bare legs or whatever...and as far as I am concerned, this is what it is all about.  Making something--yes, good--but making it your own--even better.  And I so dig that when you do that with my designs too.  

So, I thought I would share a few photos with you from my Beeper Bebe Projects Made by You Flickr group--of all the ways you have made my stuff your own, in that clever, just-ignore-the-very-detailed-instructions-way you have...
Made by Bee Cah--love the array of hair colors
 Made by CathinCa--love the addition of domino-like dots for counting on the backside
Made by DorisPepsi--strips of felt replace ribbons (take that, Taggies)
Made by skirt_as_top--crazy about the the pouch and the linen-like stone-colored fabric
Have you been surreptitiously making something from one of my tutorials?  If so, please share it in my Beeper Bebe Projects Made by You Flickr group.  I'd love to see what you have made, how you have made it your own, or how you may have even made it better.


  1. Oh goody, I've always wanted to get around to joining flickr - and now you've given me the incentive.
    Just joined and uploaded my first image - mooshy bunnies I made for hope softies. Thx!!

  2. "take that tagies!" ha! awesome.
    you make/design great things. You inspire me to use my creativity in many different ways.

  3. I love them all. I love the last one though best. I teach toddlers and this would be so fun for them. Thanks for sharing these.

  4. Holly,

    I'm glad you didn't mind my suggestion to cheat a little over at MPMK but please, PLEASE, don't ever stop making your "very detailed instructions" - they are divine!

  5. Hi Holly! Oh, it is good to see you back at it! Thanks too for your kind and thoughtful words your left behind in my little space. No need to ever feel guilty about taking a break! It is always just such a treat when you are moved to post a new post! All the best, a

  6. I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I awarded you the Stylish Blogger Award. Don't know if you've ever gotten that before, but I just love, love, love your blog and everything about it! Come by to get the button. Thanks for sharing so many of your super cool ideas! I am making the counting bean bags next!

  7. I saw this post and I got so excited I finally made my boys a set of the bean bags!!
    Thanks for the awesome tutorial!

  8. Liz--I love your bean bags--for anyone interested in making my beanbags without the applique and instead stenciling the numbers on with freezerpaper, check out Liz's post. They are lovely.
