Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year's Manifesto

There are lots of manifestos out there these days that you can buy--like this one, or this one--but it seems to me that the best thing you can do at the New Year is to make your own rather than follow someone else's.  
So, this is mine.  What is on your manifesto?


  1. Improve my english for reading faster the Beeper bebe!

  2. I saw one the other day that I loved, but it wasn't quite right. I think you have the right idea: I'm going to make my own. And your's is fabulous! Happy New Year!

  3. ours is to just carry on!
    love yours...its perfect

  4. I love it, except I spend too much time in my pjs. This year want to be up and at' em to do more. Happy 2011!

  5. "Make more things a rainbow" - love love love that bit!

    Blue Skies
    Charlotte xo

  6. Thanks, Charlotte. I cannot seem to get over my rainbow-colored kick so I figured it should be on the year's manifesto until I work through it...

  7. Drink more whiskey?! I knew I loved you.


  8. Everything you listed + make money doing what I love.

  9. Oh, I want to bike everywhere and purge lots! And get rid of some technology too. ;) I think your blog is so cute. I gave you a shout out on mine today. :)

  10. I love this! It feels like I could almost have written it my self. One year I asked for nothing but stripey socks for my birthday. I will definitely write my own. Thanks!

  11. Простые и милые идеи.Я очень люблю такие.)))))
    Меня такие вещи всегда вдохновляют.
    Катя из Сибири

  12. I love this. This could practically be my manifesto, except that I would like to drink more beer instead of whiskey. Also, I already always wear stripey socks, and if I spent any more time in my pajamas, it would be kind of gross. (I am even reading this wearing pajamas and stripey socks!)

  13. Maiz--in your jammies and stripey socks as we speak? You might be my hero.
