Friday, February 18, 2011

Belated Valentines

 Everything feels belated these days.  My hands have been more than full with all manner of projects and I have this thing where I think I can actually do 3 book submissions, 1 magazine submission and 3 guest blog posts all in a month--seemed reasonable when I committed to it at the time (plus who wants to pass any of that goodness up?).  Anyway...this is just by way of an explanation for why a post about valentines is coming to you 5 days too late and why I drop off the face of my blog for 10 days at a stretch.

But here is what we did for Beeper's valentines this year.  He has been into things with beads recently so I purchased some carved stone-looking animal beads (they are actually plastic--$3 for 25--but I wish they were stone--not that a 1st-grader gives one rip if it is stone or plastic--although they might give a rip if it was made from some kind of candy...) and some colored suede cord and with a couple of knots we called it a bracelet and attached it to a little card with an animal image that reads, "I am wild about you, friend."  There were actually 4 card designs--but the lion is not pictured here because we gave all of those away.  I got the beads and suede cord from Michael's and the colored card stock came from my favorite place to buy it--Paper Source (lovelovelove all their colors of paper and card stock--my palms get sweaty every time I get in front of that wall of paper bins in the store).

But here is the card template I made, if you have a far better memory than mine and want to use it for next year...

  Happy very late Valentine's Day, blogland friends.


  1. SUPER cute. I hope I do remember this one for next year!

  2. these are FANTASTIC! Thanks for sharing.

  3. they'd be great giveaways for a party too!

  4. Thank you for sharing these cute card creations. :) I hope I remember I've saved a copy!

  5. TK: these would make a good favor for a party--animal themed party or something like that. Also, they are simple enough that a child can help with making them with minimal frustration. Beeper actually threaded the beads for me and I knotted them and put them on the card--and then he addressed them to his friends on the backside of the card. super simple.

  6. o crud, now I need to wait another 361 days to use this fab idea.

  7. these are super cute! could use them all year round so I don't reckon they are belated at all. good luck with the book submissions x

    kate (

  8. LOVE it! Will save this idea for next year!

  9. I love, love, love this! I will definitely save this for next year! :)

  10. What a cute idea! Can you tell me where you got the animal beads?

  11. I got them at Michael's, a craft store. I would think most craft stores would carry them...
