Monday, February 7, 2011

I Love Paris Doll Kit

I ordered this little I Love Paris Doll Kit from Miko Design a while ago and decided I might as well make it since there was a little girl I know who still needs a birthday gift (beyond belated) and already holds visiting Paris amongst her 7-year-old aspirations.  Also, there is that Rumplestiltskin challenge I am on board with and this counts as using what I already have, right? 
But isn't she pretty?  Best part, the doll itself probably only took me an hour to whip up since she comes all silk screened on one nice big piece of fabric with clear dotted cutting lines and easy instructions--but then, I did add a few accessories and extra pieces of clothing of my own design because a girl who visits Paris requires a decent wardrobe, right?  Like a little peter pan collared jacket and a beret (skirt was made from part of the silk screened design in the kit)...
...and some leg warmers (made from the neck of an old turtleneck sweater) to go with that classic french sailor mini shirt dress, as well as a scarf made from some of that Liberty of London Tana Lawn I purchased in London (because what Parisian woman does not have a pretty scarf in her wardrobe?)...oh, and the baguette, croissants, over-sized flower pin a la Chanel...
Yeah, it got a little out of control there at the end but I am really pleased with how she turned out and how simple she was to outfit.  It is the sort of thing where I kind of do not want to give here away now that she is finished--which does not happen to me very often--but I really, really love this doll.  I think it might be that stripey french sailor mini shirt dress.  Whatever the case, you can see that I have also purchased another kit from Miko Design's shop--this one was a collection of remnants that were just ever so slightly flawed in their printing (like barely noticeably flawed) and came with a mix and match set of bodies, heads, arms, legs, etc--enough to make 3 more dolls (2 french lapins and 1 more girl--these remnant sets pop up in her shop fairly regularly so keep visiting if you are looking for one but do not see one now--they are a great deal).  So you might be seeing a few more of these turning up--and maybe one for just me.


  1. Very nice! I love the croissants!

  2. It's adorable!!!! Love her dresses!!!

  3. You probably made a mistake and put "7 year old" when you really meant "37 year old", right? 'Cuz I love Paris, striped shirts and scarves, too!

  4. Mama Lucy--I am pretty sure I meant 7 years old, but I have a little something for the 37 year old too. I am an equal opportunity birthday gift provider--no matter how belated.

  5. She is amazing! I would want to keep her, too.

  6. Hell yeah, it count for the challenge!

  7. the leg warmers are super awesome. I think I'm pretty much going to have to get this now.

  8. Adorable !!!My 7 year grand daughter arrived yesterday from chicago in paris to visit us .I love this kit .Y.S

  9. ohh la la, she is so adorable!
    Will she be getting a handsome French boyfriend?

  10. Oh, you mean Jean-Francois? He is quite handsome. And French men do dress so much better than American men...
