Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Over at Elsie Marley: Make a Scenic Sketch Book

Hey--I'm over here today--at Elsie Marley.  You should come over and visit--because Meg is not home and she has asked me (and a bunch of other uber-cool bloggers) to blog-sit while she is out.   So, that's where I am--in case you were wondering.

And this is a little peek at what you can find there:
...a visit to the Minneapolis Institute of Art...
...the resulting sketches...
...including an alternate version for those who need more choices... all the other bloggers coming to you from The North Country, offering our own input on winter, what it means to us, how we get through it, recipes, tutorials, and other distractions.  Come on over and check it out--I'll be there.


  1. very interesting i'm going to try yet i'm a bit hesitant about sewing on cardboard i do sew on paper for myscrapbooking.It reminds me of something i made from the book "My Grandmother's patchwork quilt" Janet Bolton .it was applique;

  2. BUSIR--Don't hesitate about the cardboard sewing--it really works about the same as paper--just be sure to use a sewing machine needle intended for heavy duty fabrics--and then discard the needle afterward or set aside for only cardboard or paper projects since the needle will be too dull for fabric and will give you heartache.

    Otherwise, works just fine. Easy peasy.

  3. I absolutely love the fabrics you chose for your notebooks!
