Friday, March 11, 2011

All the Pretty Distractions: My Tumblr

Okay.  Fine, yes.  I have a Tumblr I have been keeping to myself.  It is called All the Pretty Distractions--because that is mainly what is in there--all the pretty things I want to make, all the pretty stuff I want to do, all the pretty places I want to go, all the ways I'd like to make my home know, all the stuff that distracts me from actually making, doing, going, even blogging.  

For those of you looking for some more ways to waste away your time, you can find my Tumblr here--a big time-sucking vortex of pretty stuff

And yes, that is a photo of Led Zeppelin in there.  Got a problem with that?


  1. thank you for sharing all these little treasures!

  2. I like the photo mosaic a lot, I keep trying to figure out how to do one of those! The rounded corners add a great deal of interest. I enjoy tumblr too!

  3. "Problem?"
    oh, Holly, you troll!

  4. Did you just call me a troll? Those are fighting words, girl. Especially when it comes to Led Zeppelin.

  5. Hey there! I am planning on making the library tote from the tutorial you posted on whip up....where do I buy the heavy plastic sheeting??

  6. Aimee--I actually did not buy mine--instead I used some left over packaging from a toy I had saved. However, you should be able to find something similar to what I used at a fabric or craft store...unless you can dig up something to re-purpose.
