Monday, March 14, 2011

Eat This: Homemade Applesauce

Over the holidays,  friend of ours gave us some homemade applesauce she had canned.  Beeper about lost his mind he loved it so much--insisting we not eat too much at one time so every spoonful could be savored and cherished.  Of course, that applesauce is nothing but a tasty memory now...
But then I thought it might be a nice after school activity recently to make some of our own.  So we did.  And if you have never made applesauce before, I am here to tell you it is about the easiest thing in the world to make.  
Here's the recipe:  Select an array of apples (this is key to sweetness and taste).  Peel apples.  Core and chop.  Add to a pot with just enough water that the water comes up to about an inch or so beneath the top of your apples in your pot.  Put a lid on the pot and simmer until the apples are good and mushy, adding more water if it seems too thick.  Add some cinnamon if you like and serve.
Yep.  Does not get much easier than that.  You can even can it if you want--which I did not, I just stored it in a canning jar so it looks like I did.  The apples you see in the top photo produced two full pint jars + about 1 cup or so extra (we froze half for later consumption). 
Pork Chops and potato pancakes are on the menu for later this week--with applesauce, of course.


  1. Love your post on whipup today....very cool x (kate - minieco)

  2. My kids lose their mind over homemade applesauce too. It's a great snack. (If you want to kick up the flavor a bit, add a touch of maple syrup... this tastes great over pancakes!)

  3. TERRI--that sounds awesome--with the maple syrup, that is.

  4. Btw, do not discard the peels or the core. You can make apple cider vinegar, or even easier; make some apple tea. For apple tea take a look at the recipe I have posted some time ago

  5. Fethiye--I love this tip--thank you for sharing. I love anything that allows me to find alternate uses for things I might otherwise discard or compost. And I have to admit I was looking at that pile of apple peels wondering feeling like there should be something I can do with them...

  6. And I do compost after that tea is drunk :) The cinnamon etc goes into compost bin, too.

    Thanks for the great blog.
