Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Funny Bunnies

Here is that little bunny made from recycled sweaters I have been working on.  Kinda cute in that sweet and simple sort of way.  But you should know that there is also something a little funny about this bunny (and his friends)...
...and no, it is not their little tails colored like springtime confections (or candy-asses--as I was tempted to name them until my adult self took hold and shook me to my senses)...
...no, I am afraid these bunnies are earless--or maybe they are imposters merely impersonating bunnies...whatever the case, they are a bit goofy and maybe even a little sad looking once they remove their hats--but just put his hat back on and he'll be fine.  Really.
Oh, and did I mention that this little funny bunny design will be available to you in a set of spring-time inspired patterns I will be releasing in the next week or so?  Yes, there is more to come so stay riveted to your computer monitors until I make it back here with more information.  


  1. Oh that's hilarious, my son would love that!

  2. Haha! They're absolutely brilliant! :D
    I love their yummy, bright colours.

  3. I'll be on the lookout because I was crazy for these guys

  4. oh my! these little bun buns are so cute! the earless-ness of them is funny!

  5. imposters... very clever!!! I love it!

  6. What a cute idea and I love the colorful tails!

  7. maybe you could have a grown up softie line, where a pattern for candy asses would be just fine. I would buy it!

  8. Candy ass imposters... love it!!!

    - Sarah

  9. I like your candy asses! They hold a dark secret.

  10. Holy cow! I can hardly WAIT for that! These are hilarious and adorable.

  11. Gosh you guys--thanks for all the earless bunny love (and who knew so many of you would be so amenable to the candy ass name...)

  12. OMGosh these are adorable & funny & cute!

  13. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [31 Mar 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  14. I absolutely love these! The removable ears make them even funnier & cuter. My son would love that!

  15. So cute!
    I love your blog and have been following for quite a while now. So I just wanted to say how excited I was when I saw your bunny on Five Green Acres [which I surfed onto through some completely other unrelated means] as winning the Rumplestiltskin Challenge. =)

  16. Hey Kelly. Thanks for the heads up with the Five Acres win. Those vintage books she is giving away are right up my alley and I cannot wait to get my hands on them.

  17. I'm riveted! ;) My son saw them and wants a green one ASAP. lol

  18. So creative! I love your funny bunnies : )

  19. You are so creative! I love your funny bunnies : )

  20. Those little guys are amazing, so cute.
