Saturday, March 26, 2011

What I Ate for Breakfast Today

What'd you eat for breakfast today?  Betcha what I ate was better than what you ate--meaning, better tasting, not better for your health.  Because this is definitely not good for your health--but is probably good for your momentary Saturday morning breakfast happiness--which must do something good for your body in some way, right?

The recipe came from Joy the Baker.  It is Cinnamon Sugar Pull-Apart Bread and works and tastes exactly like the name sounds.  Which is delicious.  I saw this on Joy's blog, momentarily lost my mind, then had to go to the grocery store at 9pm last night to get some yeast so I could make up the dough and have it all ready for today's breakfast.
The scent of it baking in the your kitchen bright and early on a Saturday is enough to make your day better.  It tastes like eating the love child of toast sprinkled with cinnamon sugar and the soft doughy interior of a cinnamon roll.  You do not need the distraction of icing with this.  Pour yourself a cup of coffee, pull off a chunk and thank the gods for the gift that Joy the Baker is to this world--or better yet, just go to her blog and thank her directly.

Call me crazy but I am already thinking about how I could jerry-rig this recipe to make a pull-apart chocolate babka...


  1. Yum! That does look good. Almost as good as the eggs benedict and cheeze blintzes that we had for breakfast (casino buffet to celebrate my birthday.) I'm going to have to go print out the recipie for a day when my husband isn't taking me out to play.

    Love your happy little napkin, too. Is it embroidered?

  2. Michelle--it is embroidered. And you can make your own--the pattern is right here, in this tutorial right here on my blog:

  3. OMGosh How Yum!? Can't wait to make it. Love the smiley napkin, too cute :)

  4. I love the embroidered napkin. I've never embroidered before, but may have to try my hand at it. Where did you get the fabric for it? I love the frayed edges.

  5. Craft Garden Mama--I got the fabric from Joann's, I think. It is a linen-cotton blend. I just cut the fabric to size and left the edges unfinished and let them fray when washed. This fabric worked really well for that and frayed just right.

  6. oh my goodness. That JOY. Love her. Looks amazing Holly!!!

  7. mmm that looks so good! Thanks for the link, I am defiantly going to be making this.

  8. Well I had homemade croissants - but I foolishly trusted a recipe called 'quick and easy croissants' and it was neither quick nor easy or really much resembling real croissants! Ok, you win!

    I love your smiley face napkins though! I am very tempted to take fabric marker to my teatowels now!

    Blue Skies
    Charlotte xo
