Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Quilted Inspiration

Ungt Blod
Colorwheel Quilt (love!) from Last Minute Patchwork and Quilted Gifts, made by Silkaphyllis
Spinda Quilt by Maria Shell
Simply Robin
Fresh Lemons
These are all part of my recent quilt inspiration--something I am needing because I am hellbent on making my very first big-person-sized quilt--especially since Rae threw down the gauntlet over this when I left a comment on her blog mentioning that I had never made a quilt and was freaked by the whole prospect.  She claims she will take on some new challenge of my choice if I make my first quilt (not sure she was serious--not sure what I would even challenge her with...but I am coming for you, Rae, so watch for my email...).  But back to the subject at hand...  

If you will recall, I bought that stack of Good Folks fat quarters some time ago with the intent of making them into a quilt for my bed--but they have been sitting dormant on my workshop shelves for over a year and I am rethinking my whole plan now.  First, I love the quilt above made from the very same Good Folks fabrics I have and I am thinking I may attempt this and will call it a picnic quilt since I have decreed to my family and friends that there must be a picnic at least once per month through September (part of my overall summer plans--more about that later).  But, more imminently, R., the wonderful woman who leads my department at work and who has been a mentor of super-heroic proportions to me (truly, I owe my career to her), is retiring this month and I want to make a picnic quilt for her as a farewell gift as she embarks upon her new post-retirement life on Madeleine Island in Lake Superior...so that quilt will absolutely come first and I have purchased some lovely fabrics that I think are to her taste. (is it wise to make your very first quilt and plan for it to be a gift?  I think not...but I am compelled to do these stupid things at times and in some strange way, they are what ultimately moves me forward on a task I am waffling over...) 

Also (stay with me if you can bear it), I still want to make a quilt for our bed--but I really think it needs to be made from cotton voile--ever since I touched that cotton voile quilt at Liberty of London I have been dreaming of sleeping under one for myself...but I think it will not be Liberty of London fabrics since I really do not think Mr Beeper would like it if I hawked his car for fabric--even if it is for a luxurious quilt certain to induce peaceful sleep and good dreams.  I think some more Anna Maria Horner in cotton voile will work just fine though with far less severe financial sacrifices required.

Beyond that?  Who knows...maybe a quilt for my mum because she should have one, and this lego quilt for Beeper because that would be certain to induce the best sort of little boy dreams for him. 

How about you?  What is your procrastination craft you have been dreaming about for far too long?  Do you need someone to throw down the gauntlet to you--because I am happy to be that person, be your own personal Rae...it could be a "procraftstination" challenge.   Let me work up the details on this and I will get back to you...


  1. I hear you on the quilt procrastination. I have had fabric for 4 different quilts sitting in boxes for between 1 and 5 years. I just can't get started, even though I have enjoyed making 7 quilts in the past. I know for me the stumbling block is what happens after the fun of the patchwork has ended- I don't like the binding and quilting bits. Also my increasing skills and developing perfectionism prevents me from jumping in when in the past I just went for it- any result was a good one. I'm sure we'll both get there eventually though.

  2. That beautiful quilt was made by Robin. http://www.flickr.com/photos/simplyrobin/3797749196/
    I love it so much!

  3. Thanks, Duzzabear--I will credit it in the blog entry...

  4. Wonderful quilts!! They are so colourful and "fresh" :)

  5. Today I just tackled sewing something (a success!) for myself. A first!

    Quilting is definitely my craft procrastination. I have dreams of handmade quilts gracing our beds, but I'm totally scared to do so. No idea why.

  6. Congratulations, Danielle. I think sewing can feel pretty intimidating when you are first beginning--I actually recall that feeling well. And as you know, the quilting process for me has obviously also been intimidating...but I am hoping to have my first quilt done and ready to show in a week or so, so I will report back on how nail-biting the whole experience was.
