Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Birthday Invitation

We are in the midst of planning for Beeper's 7th birthday over here.  This is the photo that will go on the front of his invitation.  What was an interest in Legos in the past couple of months has evolved into an obsession so all notions of a HP wizarding birthday party were chucked aside in the interest of Legos. 

And if you are interested about the Lego figures above, some of the figures in the photo are from various Lego sets Beeper already owns, but many of them (the punk rockstar, the surfer girl, frankenstein, etc) are from the individual Lego minifigures (series 4) you can purchase for $3 each--we bought them as favors for the party. I love these figures (especially that gnome with the fishing pole--perhaps a favor for mommy?) but the downside about them is that they come packaged individually in little opaque bags and you do not know which figure you are purchasing--just that it will be one of the 16 that are part of that particular minifigures series.  Honestly, this really irritated me at first, but then when Beeper and I opened the packages together it was oddly thrilling to discover what each package contained--it is all about cheap thrills over here, people.  Anyway, you just have to be okay with the fact that you will likely have some duplicate figures (we did--the punker and the French artist).  

I will be back with more party details as we manage to work out what they will be--including how you keep Legos contained when you plan to have the birthday party outdoors at your neighborhood park.


  1. Oh, I can't wait to see more! I am anticipating a Lego party for my son when he turns 7 in September.

  2. we have a Lego obsession here, and I was considering those minifigs for a party too! love your invitation!

  3. We have a Lego obsession in our house too. We do venture outdoors with our Lego on big round circles of fabric with a cord hemmed into the edge. When you have finished playing we push the Lego into the middle and pull the cord leaving it all wrapped up in a neat little bag!

    Thanks for a wonderful blog - nothing beats the Minster slime in our house xx

  4. There's a code on the bags for the minifigures. It's little raised dots along the bottom edge. My kids aren't the best about accepting randomness, I guess. :)


  5. Brynne--you are brilliant! Especially since the party is going to be a little bigger than we originally anticipated and we are going to need to buy some more minifigures--now maybe we can assure getting some new figures. Thanks for the tip.

  6. Did you see 'The Long Thread's lego necklace that you can make?

  7. Heather--I missed that Lego necklace post over at the Long Thread so thanks for pointing me there. I think this will feature in the party prep...

  8. Very nice! Just threw a lego party for my 5-year-old.
    Our invite was COME PLAY with lego letters. Can't wait to see more details. (One of these days, I'll post our party ...)

  9. Oh yay how cute! I'm planning a 7th birthday at the moment too, but Super Mario won out over Lego Starwars in the end

  10. oh so cute!! where do you buy them?

  11. Life on the Edge: I made the invitations. I just lined up a bunch of Lego people and took photos of them on a white background--then photoshopped in the words. Easy.

  12. Hi just wanted to say, if you are prepared to spend the best part of an hour feeling the little lego minifigure packets, whilst sitting crossed legged on the floor with your eight year old son and ignoring all the funny looks from passers-by, you CAN work out who is who within those mystery packs...you just need to be able to visualise the little blighters.
