Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Rae's Quilt: Fabric and Label

Thought I would drop in and show you the very beginnings of that picnic quilt I am making for Rae (no, not that Rae), the head of the crazy department where I work for my day job.  I not only owe my career to Rae, but she has also been a source of personal inspiration over the 10 years I have worked for her.  Anyway, so she is retiring this month and I am making her a picnic/lawn/nap sorta quilt as a gift.  Since this is my very first quilting endeavor (excluding the doll quilt I designed a couple of months ago--and the simple quilts I made for the Binky Bunnies), I thought I would share the process with you in more detail than you might care to know.

So, here is the stack of fabrics I purchased for her quilt.  Bright pinks often show up in Rae's wardrobe so I wanted to feature that color.  I also printed a label with the happy wishes on some fabric and will sew that on latter (full disclosure: making the label was part of my further procraftstination to actually get started with the real process of making the quilt).  In further madness, I actually drew up my own quilt design (pretty basic, but still...) and worked out the  measurements for the pieces and am working from that.  I know.  You can call me stupid later when I come to you sobbing because I have no idea what I am doing and am left with nothing but a quilt shaped mess of fabric.


  1. I can't wait to see it! I love checking your blog, you always have the best ideas! ( I can't wait to see more of your lego party)

  2. You are going to do great, there is no way it will turn out a mess- I'm convinced. I never had anyone to teach me, I make my own patterns- and I'm not half as creative and talented of a sewer as you. I can't wait to see it!
