Saturday, June 4, 2011

Where Do Doughnut Muffins Fit in the MyPlate Graphic?

Okay, maybe you should not really eat these--but you already want to, don't you?  I'm not going to stop you.  I'm also not going to tell you that these doughnuts disguised as a muffin do not taste good--because they are so yummy, so chocolate-y, and did I mention, they taste remarkably like a freshly-friend doughnut?  Oh, yeah, except they aren't fried like other naughty little doughnuts out there--these are baked, all snug and happy in a muffin pan.  
You can thank Joy for the recipe because that is where I got the recipe from.  Right here.  I have a total love-hate with her blog because I cannot resist making her stuff--like this and my goodness, I so want to make this--but really, I do not think any of these items would fit anywhere on that new MyPlate graphic from the USDA.  What do you think?
And despite all that, I'm undeterred from telling you to try these--and I am even going to suggest you double dip your muffins in the chocolate glaze (there will be more than enough from the amount the recipe makes) and just pretend that chocolate and doughnut muffins have their own special food plate graphic not yet created. In the meantime, I am dreaming about making these again, but with a nice vanilla bean glaze, then dipped in coconut.  Something to think about...


  1. Thank you, I think, for the new food blog. I'll yell at you later.

  2. Darn you! I gotta go to the store now...

  3. Michele and Kelly-- You're welcome and I am so sorry. Bon appetit!

  4. Those do look delicious! The grapefruit that I picked today doesn't stand a chance if I make these!!!

  5. O.M.G. - Thanks for introducing me to Joy the baker - wow - the kids have put in a lot of orders for the weekend - first up will be Cinnamon pull apart bread... Just need to find some US to UK weights and measure conversion website!
