Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Birthday Counting Cards

I have been making these Birthday Counting  Cards for Beeper for his last 3 birthdays and he still loves them.  In fact, I was informed by another parent that while Beeper was at another birthday party this week, she overheard him proudly telling another kid, "My mom makes the best birthday cards."  Nice.  

And here is this year's set of counting cards, with this year's loot.  Yes, I put an i-Tunes card on the "1" card because he loves music but I was told that what he loved most from the cards were the 7 little photos of his friends--and then the 6 Star Wars mini coloring cards (downloaded and resized)--and then the 4 puffy bug stickers--and then the 2 sticks of fruit stripes gum--and then the 3 tattoos.  Yes, the money and the gift card ranked last which just goes to show you do not need money or anything fancy to impress with these cards.  

So I thought I would just remind you about my tutorial for these--in case you never had the wherewithal to dig all the way back in my blog archives 2+ years and so never caught this tutorial.  It is still one of my favorites--and Beeper's too, apparently.


  1. Those are really great! I'll have to remember some for my son's next birthday.

  2. I made this for my nephew and he it!! I had a lot of fun searching forvgoodies to put inside as well. :)

  3. Yes, I think it is a great little gift in and of itself. I always peruse the dollar section at Target for stickers, tattoos, candies, etc that might be good for these-then I keep all the loot stashed in a little bucket in my craft closet for quick counting card creation. I also use scrapbooking glue dots to attach the loot and envelopes--those things are freakishly adhesive and seem to stick to anything.

  4. These are lovely, just lovely! Filing away for future munchkin birthdays...

  5. Haha how cute about him bragging about his birthday cards. So precious =)

    - Sarah

  6. What a cool idea! Thanks for sharing it.

  7. yup. i'm one who missed this first time around. i sure could have used this idea about two weeks ago when my big boy turned 7 so much about it to love.

    we've started a new birthday tradition...


    the first clue to a birthday treasure hunt was hidden in the box

  8. That is such a cute idea. I think it would be fun for my kids to make for their friends, too.
